Arts Empowering Lab
柯智偉 | O CHI WAI (OS)
2015年畢業於台灣大葉大學視覺傳達設計學系,畢業作品《電 影新手指南》入圍2015高雄青春影展。In 2015, O CHI WAI graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design of Da-yeh University in Taiwan. He’s graduation work The Beginner's Guide to Filmmaking was shortlisted in the 2015 Kaohsiung Youth Film Festival. In the same year he founded the OSSO Film.
蔣靜華 | Catherine, CHEONG Cheng Wa
個人的創作方向,大多以探討個人對周邊事物、人與人、人與環境/社會/自然界之間所產生的一些文化差異、矛盾、隔離等情感聯繫,再以不同的藝術語言及媒介去表達,作品種類有錄像裝置、版畫及攝影,作品曾於法國、日本、南韓、台灣、北京及澳門等地展出。As an individual artist she has explored some of the cultural differences between her surrounding environment, people, people and the environment, society, nature, conflict, assimilation, loneliness and other emotional dimensions. Expressing herself in different artistic languages and using several media, including installation, video, printmaking, photography, she has presented her artwork in France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Beijing, Macau and many other places.
劉岩 | LIU Yan
研究領域涉及至影像、素描、行為藝術和軟雕塑藝術等多個領域。並以研究“人類的深層精神世界”為創作主線,尤其在表達女性內心的焦灼、徬徨、迷茫、悲憫和痛楚等微妙情感的變化上,運用了特有的甚至帶有隱喻性的視覺語言,採用身體為媒介,重複的細微動作為敘述語言,不斷尋找著“自我與世界的聯繫”。Her research interests include photography and filming, sketching, performance art and soft sculpture. Her main creative focus is the exploration of the "deep spiritual world of humankind", in particular, the subtle female inner emotions like anxiety, confusion, perplex, grief and pain. Using unique and metaphorical visual languages and the body as the medium as well as iterative subtle movements as the narrative language, she always looks for "the connection between the self and the world."
方家揚 | Keith Fong
近十年來醉心於攝影創作。由開始專注的風景與靜物,轉變為靜心捕取人物表情,而展示剎那情緒作為創作題材。He has been passionately dedicated to photography for nearly a decade, and his creative focus has evolved over time, from landscapes and stills in the beginning to facial expressions of the captured characters currently in an attempt to showcase the momentary emotions – his present-day major theme.
Noel Nieva Villafuerte
If the transcendental essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson had created with images rather than the written word, he would be 21st century Modernist artist Noel Nieva Villafuerte. Self-taught, world-traveled (having lived and worked in Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, the United States and Denmark)...