Arts Empowering Lab

楊冠瑩 | Ieong Kun Ieng (Summer)
影像作品入選及放映於「EXiM 2016-葡萄牙與澳門實驗影像活動」、「澳門國際電影及錄像展2016」、「2016 CAAF 斯洛維尼亞學術書香文化節—亞洲單元輪播影展」。曾參與本地社區計劃「小城故事─三盞燈的記憶故事」(2017)、結合其專業及 興趣,目前是一名以影像製作、寫作和兒童藝術教學為主要工作內容的自由職業者。
女性藝術系列—嬝娜:攝影展—區雁華 X 楊冠瑩
Women Art Series - Slender Grace : a Photo Exhibition - NganWa Ao (Kate Samozwaniec) X Ieong Kun Ieng (Summer)
02/09 – 09/10/2018
Ieong Kun Ieng, Summer was born and raised in Macao. She creates works in different art forms including photography, illustration and installation. Her art focuses on self-exploration, gender issues and community culture.
Her video and film works have been selected to and screened at “EXiM -Portugal and Macao Experimental Video Festival 2016”, “Macao International Film and Video Festival”, “2016 CAAF Sejem akademske knjige Liber.ac – Asian Rotation Film Festival” (in Slovenia). She participated in the local Community Art Project “Small City Stories: Memories and Anecdotes from The Three Lamps” in 2017. Combining her strength with interests, summer currently works as a freelancer, mainly involving herself in video and film production, writing, as well as teaching art to children.