Arts Empowering Lab

Blossom Views
Art Exhibition by Tong Chong
藝術家唐重最新作品系列——〈繁花記〉將展示20張作品。 一直以來唐重繪畫作品的造型撲拙,用色較少,然而,這個嶄新的系列卻是色彩輕快愉悅,造形多變;同時,藝術家運用了顏料渲染、繪畫、剪紙和拼貼等多種手法,以表達他繽紛的想像力和生命中的某些遭遇。
Tong Chong
Born in 1977, Tong studied painting at the Fuzhou Arts and Crafts School in Fujian Province in 1990. He studied modern painting at the Macao Visual Arts Institute from 1991 to 1997. He obtains the Bachelors of Arts in Visual Arts (Education) from the School of Arts, Macao Polytechnic Institute and the Master's Degree from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
So far, Tong has participated in more than 180 domestic and international art exhibitions and held nine individual exhibitions.
His works have been exhibited around the world, including Spain, Portugal, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, China (more than 20 provinces and cities), as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.
Tong often uses painting and sculpture as a medium for artistic creation to narrate the cultural and social context of a contemporary society and to contemplate the nature of humanities. His works aims to discuss the relationship of human development and nature and the role of human activities in today's environmental ecology.
The Courage to Blossom
Blossom Views, by artist Tong Chong, showcases 20 pieces of his latest works. Having been known for his plain and less-is-more style of painting, Tong decides to do something different this time - his bold uses of pleasant and vibrant colours and different shapes, together with the techniques of colour rendering, painting, paper cutting and collage, so as to express his colourful imaginations and some significant moments of life.
The fascinating ideas or rationale behind the artworks will not only make us smile but also urge us to think beyond the hustle and bustle of city life and ask ourselves - why could Tong always keep his childhood innocence and passion in everything he does, even after he has gone through many ups and downs, and still keep chasing his dreams and make his work blossom?
We don't know exactly when we start to be busy and our pace of life is simply getting faster than ever. The systems of rules implicit in the social norms compel everyone of us to keep running and work as if a slave in the 9-5 rat race. Perhaps, we get too used to living in the rat race that we start to feel insecure when we allow ourselves to spend our free time. The fast-paced city has numbed us and beaten us hollow. We even prides ourselves these days on our “busy-ness” as if being busy were a sign of achievement. Probably, that's just our best excuse to justify our emptiness in life.
In contrast to Tong who has the courage to blossom, most of the people act like a frozen seed, hiding in the dark and playing safe in its comfort zone. Some are even unable to believe that they have the potential to blossom.
From those intriguing artworks, one would see how we can make fun of our everyday’s life and add excitement to our lives. I do hope that Tong’s passion to create can offer you a different perspective of life and convince you to believe in yourself and have guts to soar above the sky.
Joey Ho
開幕相片 |Opening photos :
媒體報導 |News report:
TDM 澳門人澳門事 第1911集 繁花記 2019-01-07
澳門日報 2019/1/8 C08 花開花落,願你歸來仍是少年
澳門日報 2018/12/28 B01 弘藝峰花藝班今截報
策展人 Curator : 何仲儀 Ho Chong I, Joey
開幕 Opening : 8/12 4pm
展期 Extension period:9/12/2018 ––– 13/1/2019
Opening Hours : noon - 7:00pm (except on Wednesday)
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下
At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
免費入場 Free Admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light