Arts Empowering Lab

chores: the transience & its immensity
Work by Yuen-yi Lo
因應兩個富有特色的展場空間(At Light及萬象Universal),透過調動去安排作品的順序及排列,可多可小,可大可細,觀眾遊走四面及地下的作品之間,盛載著一段段回憶的碎片。《東西物語:瑣碎的短暫和無限》是這次展覽的命題,既無關大事,無特定主題,東方西方,東拉西扯,純粹又靜寂,日子就是日復一日地重複活著,創作從未停止過,在心中流動著漣漪,如此的塗塗畫畫,拼拼湊湊,記錄短暫的時光,以無限來延伸。
開幕 Opening:22/6 4pm (At Light)
展期 Extension period:23/6 – 20/7/2019
策展人 Curator : 施援程 Si Wun Cheng Cora
之一:At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下
Part 1:At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
Opening Hours : Noon - 7pm (except on wednesday)
Part 2:Universal Gallery & Bookstore – The Taipa Houses Museum-Creative Casa
Opening Hours : 10am - 6pm
免費入場 Free Admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light
合作 Cooperation:萬象畫廊書屋 Universal Gallery & Bookstore
Yuen-yi’s work begins with a pencil drawing. She paints the object, molds, frames it; she assembles, mends, dissembles and even burns up the object. In her hands, the materials are manifested in various ways. These used ordinary objects with accumulated time-worn traces, like gloves, shoes, handkerchiefs, glasses, dishes, glasses, stibium pots, suitcases, keys, lemons, shells, etc. – be they hers, her parents’ or friends’, or even leftovers from somewhere – all can become raw works for Yuen-yi to work on.
These fragmental old objects have been collected over the years by Yuen-yi. She sorts them out, re-creates, transforms their original appearance, giving them another visual life. With her craftsmanship, she creates her own universe in a world of hers that is so small yet so big, indeed a realm above time and space. She remains there, living her monotone, simple life, indulging in creation and thoughts, letting her soul stir, in a calm yet thrilling state of mind.
The works of this exhibition are displayed by series, as they were creations produced spanning a period. The artist would not necessarily start a single new series after completing one, but rather, she would create several series simultaneously, leaving some uncompleted, or stopping for a while before re-touching them. This approach makes the works look complete yet never ending at the same time. These seemingly useless and trivial objects are Yuen-yi's own private realm; "they are short-lived, transient, but they contain memories that can be savored again and again."
Suiting the two distinctive exhibition spaces (‘At Light’ and ‘Universal’), the series of exhibits are arranged in order and sequence, in flexible quantity, in big and small sizes. Visitors walk amid the works placed on all four walls[s1] and also on the floor, which carry fragments of many a piece of memories. "chores: the transience & its immensity" is the title of this exhibition, one that is trivial, without a specific theme. On scattered topics, the exhibition is like a roaming journey, yet pure and quiet. For Yuen-yi, life repeats itself day after day, but creation never ceases, with its ripples flowing in the heart. In such a way, she doodles and assembles, recording the transience, extending it into immensity.
Cora Si
These are ordinary objects.The collectables. They are placed together.My creative works started with pencil drawing and continued from it. Fragments are the content of my work, meaning the objects that I have been keeping for all these years. Fragments can also be the media that carry my work, which are the ways that things exist in life. And fragments can refer to the outcome of my artworks, both finished and unfinished ones.They can be fragmentary and scattered, tidy and repetitious, aged and outworn, moldy and yellow, useful or useless.Life is fragmented. And I have kept many tiny, trivial pieces of it over the years.I watch them watching back at me. It is a small tiny world but also wide at the same time.
Yuen-yi Lo is an artist, writer, lecturer based in Hong Kong and Macau. Trained in the fields of Communication Design and Fine Arts respectively in Hong Kong, Italy and Britain, her creative work concerns scripto-visual communication. She has contributed writings in the areas of art and culture, feminism and oral history. Lecturing in creative practices and cultural studies, she is currently teaching Visual Arts in the Faculty of Education, University of Macau.
開幕相片 |Opening photos :
媒體報導 |News report:
澳門人澳門事,第2038集 東西物語:瑣碎的短暫和無限,2019-7-4
澳門日報,2019 年7月16日,第C08版:視覺,看過展覽,就像是認識了婉儀
At Light

萬象畫廊書屋 / Universal Gallery & Bookstore