Arts Empowering Lab

Color of Life
Exhibition of Artists from Portuguese Speaking Countries
由弘藝峰創作社主辦、At Light場地贊助的「生命本色—葡語系國家藝術家聯展 Color of Life - Exhibition of Artists from Portuguese Speaking Countries」已於本月廿三日下午四時開幕,地點於該會會址(卑第圍1號地下、位於政府總部後街),歡迎藝術愛好者及澳門市民到場參觀。
策展人José Issac Durante表示,澳門與葡語國家有著長期的聯繫,其中包括越來越頻繁的藝術交流活動。這個展覽不單體現出藝術交流的歷程,還讓觀眾有機會一睹充滿活力的葡語國家藝術視覺藝術作品。藝術家透過作品反映了豐富的情感或其所處的情境 他們所選擇的主題、採用的顏色、運用的技巧也是豐富多彩和各有特色。
José Issac Durante
Hosted by Arts Empowering Lab,At Light venue sponsored"
Color of LifeExhibition of Artists from Portuguese Speaking Countries"opened at 4:00 pm on the 23rd of this month,The venue is (Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau,Located on the back street of the government headquarters).Art lovers and Macau citizens are welcome to visit the venue.
Macau has a long-lasting connection with the Portuguese-speaking countries. The relationship has increasingly included artistic exchanges. This exhibition is part of that movement and a glimpse of the vitality of visual arts in those countries.
Curator José Issac Durante said the artists present here reflect different sensibilities and contexts. The themes, the palettes, the technical approaches are inevitably diverse. We tried to balance the variety of the works displayed and achieve a sense of harmony and complementarity. We hope they enjoy the visit and share with us that sense of awe that human creativity never ceases to produce.
Joey Ho Chong I
José Issac Durante
開幕日期 Opening date:23/1/2021 4:00PM
展期 Extension period: 23/1- 6/3/2021
開放時間Opening Hours: 11:15-18:00(Weekday);11:00-18:00(Weekend)
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下 Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
策展人 Curator:何仲儀 José Issac Durante
主辦單位 Organizer :弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
支持單位 Supported by:GALERIA 57 CONTEMPORÂNEA
支助單位 Support unit :澳門基金會支助部分經費
場地贊助 Venue sponsor: At Ligh
免費入場 Free admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
媒體報導 |News report:
Exposição | Galeria At Light reúne artistas lusófonos em “Cor da Vida”