Arts Empowering Lab
Bonnie Leong X Kitty Leung Installation Exhibition
梁慕貞 X 梁慕潔 裝置作品展
A Path to Return
18/12/2021 - 27/01/2022
整個系列作品以大自然作基調,連結人,連結內心漣漪,那敏感的情緒,溫婉細膩,藝術家以她們獨特的手法,把情感用自然拼湊出來,花草翩翩,蝴蝶起舞,自然界有一定的韻律,循環再生,萬物歸一,融入其中,能感受到恬靜、舒暢、無限、空無及 圓滿。The whole series, taking Nature as the keynote, connects people, and inner feelings. The artists used unique techniques to express emotions, gentle and subtle sensitivity, by pieceing together natural elements. Flowers and grasses waving gracefully and butterflies dancing, Mother Nature has her own rhythm. Cycle. Regeneration. One for all. Blending with Nature, we can feel calm and relaxed, the infinity, emptiness and fullness.
Nono Leong Illustration Exhibition
The Pleasures
25/10/2021 - 4/12/2021
Nono更喜歡玩味主題,將人物配帶面具,表情古靈精怪。這次展出的作品都是他為這個展覽而作的全新作品,並且一次過完成所有插畫及展場視覺效果。Nono likes to play with themes, creating figures wearing masks or with whimsical facial expressions. On show are all new works he has specially produced for the exhibition. He also developed, once and for all, visual effects for all the illustrations and this event.
Gugumelo's Travel To The Blue Planet
Loretta Lai Eco-friendly Creative Exhibition
10/7 - 21/8/2021
Gugumelo是黎梓盈近年自創的動漫IP,她把布偶製作的興趣變成職業,色彩鮮艷的Gugumelo生動活潑,讓人賞心悅目。 Gugumelo, a colourful and lively animation IP, is created by Loretta Lai that aims to give people a glimpse of true happiness each day. Recently, she turned her hobby in puppet making into a career.
Works by David Sheekwan
15/5 - 26/6/2021
唐書琨說他對藝術的態度是-“我常被神秘的事物吸引……有視覺驚喜的事物讓人神往”。他偏愛極簡主義和單色的概念,色調深沉而柔和,給人寧靜的感覺,並體現了他內斂而紳士的個性。 David Sheekwan said his approach to art is - “I am attracted to the mysterious… to things that hold visual surprises”. Favouring a minimalist and monochromatic concept and using a palette of subdued colours, his paintings give a sense of tranquility and reflects his reserved and gentlemanly personality.
Os Wei Multimedia Art Exhibition
Human Observation
21/3 - 24/4/2021
《人類觀察》是柯智偉(Os)長期的影像實驗計劃,這次展出的作品以相片為主,喜歡以雙脚作交通工具的他,走到不同角落,以自我的眼光去觀察周圍,隨心用手機作紀錄。Human Observation is a long-term image experiment project by O CHI WAI (Os). This exhibition features his photos from the project. The artist likes walking across different corners in the city, observing and recording at will the surrounds with a smartphone.