Copas type coke oven The combustion chamber is composed of two adjacent vertical fire channels, one is the updraft and the other is the downdraft. Its gas flow is, type. This combination of fire paths is called double fire paths.GANTRY COLUMN STRUCTURE HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT CUTTING BANDSAWS CH-1000 Copas type coke oven The combustion chamber is composed of two adjacent vertical fire channels, one is the updraft and the other is the downdraft. Its gas flow is, type. This combination of fire paths is called double fire paths.Micro-alloyed vacuum carburized gear steel There is a regenerator in the lower part of each carbonization chamber. The regenerator is composed of a group of two-part types along the length of the carbonization chamber. The regenerators arranged in this way are called front and rear arrangements.What needs to be done for heat treatment with vacuum oil quenching furnace? When heating with blast furnace gas, the blast furnace gas is preheated by the coke side (coke quenching car side) waste gas valve to the regenerator, and the air is also preheated in the same way, which is preheated from the coke side air valve to the adjacent regenerator. The blast furnace gas and air in the coke side fire channel are directly transported to the vertical fire channel from the regenerator. The blast furnace gas and air in the fire channel on the machine side are transported from the regenerator to the vertical fire channel through the horizontal flue.GANTRY COLUMN STRUCTURE HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT CUTTING BANDSAWS CH-1500 On the contrary, the coke-side exhaust gas passes through the horizontal flue and enters the machine-side regenerator, and the machine-side exhaust gas directly enters the machine-side regenerator. From a regenerator, the half of the coke side is the updraft, and the half of the machine side is the downdraft.GANTRY COLUMN STRUCTURE HORIZONTAL STRAIGHT CUTTING BANDSAWS CH-1300
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