The current season is one of the more forgettable storylines in recent series history, and I think the reason is because everything is about you NBA 2K22 MT. 2K21 was a fun G League path where you were able to meet your teammates as you built your character and ready for the draft. In 2K22 there's no actual emotional connection to your teams pre-draft.
The only thing that seems to be relevant is building your own personal brand. If you're the kind of person who genuinely gets excited about the amount of fans you've accumulated each week 2K22's MyCareer might be ideal for you However, to me, it was an dull introduction to the annual VC as well as badge grind.
I like the development of the city and believe the new NPC's bring lots of life to what was otherwise an uninteresting space. I'd like be able to swiftly travel to locations apart from my place occasionally, but it finally feels like a vibrant and lively space. This is something I don't believe I've said before.
The 2K22 city is bigger than ever before... however, this isn't necessarily a good thing. It's like the 2K team is trying to craft the perfect basketball-themed MMO. The game has daily challenges scattered around the city Buy NBA 2K Coins, and you're called upon to move from one place to the next for a meeting.