Membrane wall tubes are used around the furnace, furnace roof, cyclone separator and tail shaft, and good metal sealing devices are installed at each wall-penetrating part of the boiler and the junction between the ceiling and the side wall for primary sealing. The heated wall around the whole boiler becomes an all-welded membrane tube wall, and the inner surface of the furnace wall is not in direct contact with the flame and flue gas. Garment cutting machine high speed steel straight blade vacuum heat treatmentThe heating surface of the membrane wall of the whole boiler, the outer surface of the furnace wall of the cyclone separator and the flue of the economizer (except the furnace top and furnace bottom) are provided with profiled plates for protection. The furnace wall structure used in each area of this boiler is as follows:Heat treatment of involute spline parts realized by vacuum oil quenching technology The vertical furnace wall around the furnace and the vertical furnace wall around the rear shaft cladding wall are made of 200mm (from the center line of the tube) thick lightweight thermal insulation material composite structure, and the fin tubes are filled with aluminum silicate refractory fiber loose cotton and high temperature adhesive. (5mm high tube wall) + aluminum silicate refractory fiber felt 50mm + high temperature glass wool board;High Pressure Gas Quenching Technology For Gears it is required to apply a certain amount of compression to the lightweight thermal insulation material, and the layers should be staggered and pressed with support nails, elastic pressure plates and wire mesh It is fixed, and the outer surface of the furnace wall is provided with an outer guard plate to protect it; in order to meet the needs of the expansion of the rigid beam, the rigid beam area is densely poured with a thermal insulation castable supplementary pouring structure.Vacuum brazing process of nickel-based mixed brazing filler metal
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