Arts Empowering Lab

Home of Two Daughters -- Photos of José Vicente Jorge’s
Family Casa das Duas Filhas -- Fotos da Família de José Vicente Jorge
認識巴彼得(Pedro Barreiros)和左家詩(Graca Pacheco Jorge)是源於與他們一起編輯他們的外祖父——左治的傳記。 左治家族是澳門一個非常古老的土生葡人家族,其在澳門的歷史最早可追溯到1570年。巴彼得和左家詩是表親。他們生於澳門,年幼時跟隨家人移居葡萄牙。
Henriquera和Marie分別是巴彼得和左家詩的媽媽,所以,我常有機會聽到關於她們的故事。 這些事有的發生在澳門,有些在葡萄牙。人生不盡是歡欣喜悅,當然也有苦痛憂愁,其中這個故事讓我難以忘懷:二十世紀四十年代,左治家老中青三代舉家移民葡萄牙以避戰亂,他們在里斯本安頓下來,有次Henriquera的丈夫宴請了當地的知名人士來家作客用膳,當這位名門淑女端出左治家族引以為傲的澳門土生菜時,得到的回應是:這些菜的味道聞起來像黃熱病。
另外,幾年前我在葡萄牙見到了年過九十五歲的Marie。家詩和我一齊到安老院看望她,她坐在花園中的椅子上,年輕時的輪廓還在,雖然這是我和Marie的第一次見面,但我卻對她的生命的重要階段瞭如指掌,腦海中不斷湧出她的照片:七歲的她坐在父親放滿古董瓷器的大聽裡腼腆地看著窗外、在化妝舞會中俏皮的印第安人扮相、在嘉年華舞會中如花的笑靨、婚禮中莊重的新娘……可能由於年老的原因,Marie已有些神志不清,但這樣反而更突顯了她大家閨秀的風範和教養。她本來和女兒說葡語,家詩介紹我來自澳門,我不諳葡語,以英語與她交談。為了遷就我,Marie馬上把葡語切換成英語,更把女婿的名字由葡語轉換成英語。到了最後,我們差不多要離開時,她向已年近古稀的女兒提出了一個要求:"我要回家。" 家詩說:"媽媽,家裡没有人二十四小時看著你,你再摔倒怎麼辦?" Marie的聲音聽起來有點兒孩子氣, 說:"我想回澳門,澳門的家。"
There is a kind of love called nostalgia
I got to know Pedro Barreiros and Graça Pacheco Jorge when we edited together the biography of their grandfather Jose Vincente Jorge, mother side. The Jorge family is a very old Macanese family in Macao, with a history dating back to 1570. Pedro and Graça are cousins. Born in Macau, both of them moved to Portugal with their families when they were young kids.
However, they always left their hearts in Macau, a hometown they crave. They do their utmost to preserve the family heritage items, such as furniture, porcelain, books, photographs, newspaper clippings, family recipes, and continuously hold exhibitions and publish books featuring such items – a way for them to get closer to the perfect homeland of their hearts, Macau.
When editing the biography of Jose Vincente Jorge, almost everyone involved would always be drawn by his distinguished social status, well-educatedness and his rich collection of exquisite antique treasures. Yet I preferred to discover stories behind the photos of his two youngest daughters, Henriqueta and her eight years younger sister Marie. Their carefree childhood and flowering youth were spent in Macau. Look at the two sisters in the photos and one will know at once that their beauty and elegance is beyond description – no matter how vivid words are used.
Henriqueta and Marie are respectively the mother of Pedro Barreiros and Graça Pacheco Jorge, therefore I often had the opportunity to listen to stories about them: some happened in Macau and others in Portugal. Life, apart from joy and happiness, is filled with pains and sorrows. One of these stories is unforgettable for me: in the 1940s, three generations of the Jorge family immigrated to Portugal to avoid the chaos of war, settling down in Lisbon; once Henriqueta’s husband invited local celebrities to home for a dinner banquet. When the lady brought to the table the Macanese dishes the Jorge family so proud of, the reaction she got was: these dishes smelled like yellow fever!
Additionally, a few years ago in Portugal I met Marie, already over 95 years old. Graça and I went to the elders care home to visit her. She sat in a chair in the garden, the traces of her beauty in youth still visible. Although this was the first time I met Marie, I knew well all the important stages of her life and her images in photos kept emerging on my mind: at the age of seven, she sat in the big living room full of her father’s antique porcelain, looking out of the window; her playful Indian looks at a masquerade ball, her blooming smiles at the carnival dance party, and the slightly nervous-looking bride in the wedding...
Marie might be a bit disoriented because of aging, which on the contrary accentuated her demeanor and educatedness as a noble lady. At first she spoke Portuguese with her daughter, but when Graça introduced me as one coming from Macau who does not speak Portuguese and who would talk to her in English, Marie immediately switched from Portuguese to English, even converting from Portuguese to English the name of her son-in-law. At the end, when we were about to leave, she made a request to her then nearly 70-year-old daughter: "I want to go home." Graça said: "Mom, no one at home can take care of you 24 hours, how if you fall again?" But Marie just reiterated in a tone sounding a little childish, "I want to go back to Macau, the home in Macau."
The next day, the nurse of the elders' care home called Graça, telling her that after we left, Marie talked a lot about Macau and taught them to speak Cantonese, such as phrases like ‘chou sun’ (good morning). But the nurse said it was too complicated for them to learn.
The original residence of Jorge is located at No. 20, Rua da Penha, Macau. It may be due to a magical serendipity that this exhibition is held in this art space not far from his home. Well knowing that time cannot be ticked back, I still hope that the untimely exhibition would make Marie’s home returning dream come true, while at the same time comforting other people who have nostalgia too.
Joey Ho Chong I
策展人 Curator:何仲儀 Joey Ho Chong I
開幕 Opening : 18/5 4pm
展期 Extension period:19/5 – 15/6/2019
Opening Hours : noon - 7:00pm (except on Wednesday)
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下
At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
免費入場 Free Admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural, 澳門基金會 Fundação Macau
場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light
開幕相片 |Opening photos :
媒體報導 |News report:
澳門日報 2019年5月19日 B05版,左治家族圖展回顧小城風貎
What's On, 2019年6月,家・兩生花——左治家族圖片展