Arts Empowering Lab

Paradise - Welcome Home
Installation, Ready-made and Document Exhibition
Family and home may be two different kinds of notions, but they share a common origin. A home can tell how a family is, as the environment may reveal emotions. The lead title of this exhibition is "Paradise", which on the surface means a happy land, representing the expectation of a home by ordinary people and how an ideal family should be. The society has too many inherent definitions of home/family. A family not fitting into the conventional model will make one feel it is not a real family. This limitation also causes social problems. Nevertheless, is it just a question of definitions, or the family itself does indeed have a problem?
Last year, Jane Lei (J) cooperated with a social welfare organization in a documenting program, where she got into contact with women from different backgrounds. They are all mothers whose families are defined as 'broken'. After in-depth interviews, J, together with another artist Lego, wanted to visualize the topic by showing, in visual and audio formats, the collected texts, letters, images and drawings, and re-organizing them in a derivative piece of work against the setting of an ordinary home, in order to re-create the feeling of home/family from the artists’ perspectives.
As the centerpiece of the exhibition, texts cover every corner of the venue. Shredded documents are spread all over the ground, and 385 letters (539 pages), from a respondent to her parents, are pinned onto the wall. Love is the essence of everything. Each of those people you have met represents a side of yourself; family members closest to us, such as our parents, child and life partner are like mirrors for us. The relationship with them, the affection between and the feelings towards each other, and the emotions triggered therefrom, reflect a world, in a familial, societal and universal sense, and they are all interrelated – that’s what prompted J and Lego to present, through their works, stories of these women whom they have never met before. Their experience may have an echo in us for its similarities, and there is always something that touches our hearts.
Text fragments of the interviews are scattered on the furniture in the exhibition space, as if voices by themselves. The heartbreaking yet touching words intended to be kept private, seem to mirror every female or indeed everybody’s experience. But, will you carry it on your heart to become a burden? Or take it as something to be overcome and go forward? ‘Two sides of a coin’ is the theme of this exhibition. Maybe you will feel sad or inspiring after visiting it. No matter how, you are welcome to stay in this home, to think or daydream. The picture of all kinds of people evokes mixed feelings, and with purity one realizes emptiness.
Cora Si
☐明亮 ☐溫暖 ☐愛 ☐關懷 ☐想像 ☐期待 ☐休息 ☐安慰
☐黑暗 ☐混亂 ☐謊言 ☐敗壞 ☐暴力 ☐傷痛 ☐失望 ☐疲倦
☐想逃離的地方 ☐避風港 ☐樂園 ☐夢土
“Things that can only be seen in imagination
or with our eyes closed
do not really exist there. ”
The world over there is bright,
even in the deepest darkness. ”
– A Poet's Nightmare, Wisława Szymborska
How should a home be like?
It is always a mixture of hybrids.
Which of the below words would you choose to describe your home (multiple choices):
☐Bright ☐Warm ☐Love ☐Caring ☐Imaginative ☐Expectation, ☐Rest ☐Comforting ☐Dark ☐Chaotic ☐Lies ☐Destructive ☐Violent ☐Traumatic ☐Disappointing ☐Fatigue ☐A place from which you want to flee ☐safe haven ☐paradise ☐dreams
Or more exactly, in-between all the above – a kind of mixed feeling which is rather difficult to describe.
Sometimes we think we are leading a decent life, but a sofa, a tea table, a piece of bed sheet, a pile of rubbish... may reveal something that we cannot conceal.
This exhibition is made up of a series of in-depth interviews, trying to investigate the concept of "family" in Macao, and explore the reality of our existence in the soon-to-be 'most (GDP) affluent city of the world'.
Macao people, engaged in theater, art creation and planning, education, writing and editing.
畢業於台北藝術大學電影創作學系。2015年獲「1839攝影藝術新秀獎」,曾於台北舉辦攝影個展「SEMICOLON;」及「talk to Eve」,2017年澳門牛房個展「4:35p.m.」。2018年憑紀錄片《棉花》獲第三屆澳門國際電影節 評審團特別獎,2019年紀錄片《爺爺的老房子》入圍第四十一屆台灣金穗最佳紀錄片。
Lei Cheok-Mei was graduated from Department of Filmmaking, Taipei National University of the Arts. In 2015, she won the 1839 Young Photographer Award and was invited to host her solo exhibitions "SEMICOLON" and "Talk to Eve" in Taiwan. In 2017, she came back to Macau and held another solo exhibition “4:35p.m.” Her documentary “The Melancholy of Gods” won the Jury’s Prize for Best Film in the International Film Festival & Awards, Macao in 2018 and “My Days in An Apartment”was nominated for the Best Documentary in the Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films in 2019.
開幕 Opening:5/10 4pm
展期 Extension period:6/10 – 2/11/2019
策展人 Curator : 施援程 Si Wun Cheng Cora
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下
At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
Opening Hours : Noon - 7pm (except on wednesday)
免費入場 Free Admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light
開幕相片 |Opening photos :
媒體報導 |News report: