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Taste the happiness

Keith Fong & Odia Lei's photo exhibition



無論這個“快樂方程式”的設計是多麼的精密,也總有一些脫軌的人。攝影師方家揚是一名土生土長的香港人,但這個人口稠密而節奏急速的商業城市總是給他混亂而匆忙的感覺,他發現商業都市中每個人每天過著公式化的生活,像齒輪一樣令城市這部機器轉動不息。他不甘亦不願當一個默默無聞的齒輪,這讓他一次又一次踏上旅途。在一次緬甸的旅程中, 家揚發現這個國度的獨特之處 —— 混亂與和諧竟可共存。 攝影師的鏡頭為我們凝固了一首首精煉而隽永的叙事詩:在黑暗的街頭收攤回家路上的父女、車站上惜別依依的情侣、在寺廟窗前和衣酣睡的過客,身上繾綣著透窗而進縷縷陽光⋯⋯他們似乎身無長物,有的更可能被壓在生活重擔之下,但他們的身上散發出來的安祥又柔和的氣息,這正是已在浮躁和焦慮都市中不再復見的最美風景線。




Taste the Happiness with Our Very Beginning Mind

Living in a city where consumerism is badly prevalent, what gets us excited appears to be relating to materials. Even the happiness we once knew is now re-defined or measured by our material desires and it has been objectified as a product that needs a beautiful packaging image in order to better convince people that is happiness. When we finish purchasing one ‘happiness,’we would move on to another, and that becomes an endless cycle.

No matter how this new definition of happiness is well calculated, there are always some exceptions. Keith Fong Ka Yeung is a Hong Kong photographer. Hong Kong is his home but this densely populated, fast-paced and highly commercialised city always gives him a constant feeling of chaos and haste. He also becomes aware that everyone in this city has been in a rat race for most of his or her life, and yet we have to keep working hard as if we were part of the gear or wheels in a machine that never allows us to stop working. That just makes Keith feel suffocated and he wants a change, thusly he starts to do something new and embarks on a new journey. In his trip to Myanmar, Keith discovered the uniqueness of this country through the lens – chaos and harmony can coexist. Keith’s camera has captured the refined, timeless and poetic moments that tell many soul-touching stories: a vender on the way home with his daughter traversing along the dark roads, last love farewell couple at train station, passengers sleeping in the temple and the soft sunlight coming through the windows… All of them might not have a lot of material possessions and some even have to deal with the burden of their lives, but you could still find a sense of quietness and calm from their friendly faces. And that is the most beautiful thing you could hardly see from the hustle city we are living in.

Odia Lei is a freelance photographer from Macau, who has always been concerned about the poor students from the mountain and rural areas. The exhibiting photos were taken when she volunteered in the mountains of Nepal. The stories of poverty behind the photos are beyond the imagination of those who are from the rich and urban cities. Whilst looking at their smiley faces, we would be probably quite confused because if happiness is really defined by our material desire, what actually make the villagers smile?

Looking at the works of the two photographers, I can't help but think of the quote from Chinese novelist Yu Hua's To Live: People are here to live for life, instead of living for the objects that does not matter to life. I don’t really know how many people can live for life and how many people would strive to live to please others. Whether you choose the former or the latter, please pick one photo that reveals how you think from the exhibition, trying to recall your very beginning mind and remember that smile even if it just only for one second.

Joey Ho Chong I

李少玉 Odia Lei


Odia is a Macao freelance photographer in practice for about six years, with most of her time dedicated to working as event or wedding photographer in Macao. Being also president of the Association of Macau Lok Sin and director of the Elderly Association of Macau, she is committed to helping poor students in the mountainous areas of Ganzhou, Jiangxi, and caring for local seniors who live alone, for she hopes to reward the society with her professional know-how.


開幕 Opening:7/9 4pm
展期 Extension period:8/9 – 28/9/2019
Opening Hours : noon - 7:00pm (except on Wednesday)
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下
At Light – Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau

免費入場 Free Admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email :

主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 sponsor:文化局 Instituto Cultural
場地贊助 Venue sponsor:At Light


開幕相片 |Opening photos :

​媒體報導 |News report:

澳門日報,2019/9/24,C08版,視覺。看快樂 ——方家揚、李少玉攝影作品展,阿潺。

澳門人澳門事,第2092集 《嚐樂》攝影作品展,2019-09-19



Miguel揚 澳門文創報,2019/09


弘藝峰創作社 | Arts Empowering Lab
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Patio do Padre Narciso No 1,R/C,Macau.

+853 6595 7203

開放時間:星期一至六 (11:15-18:30)   星期日 (10:00-17:00)

Opening Hours : WEEKDAY (11:15-18:30)   WEEKEND (10:00-17:00)


@2018 by Arts Empowering Lab

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