Arts Empowering Lab

The Pleasures
Nono Leong Illustration Exhibition
其中一張以《Slot Machine》做主題的插畫,加入兩個分別帶著老虎及黑眼罩面具的拳手對打,引用了港產片《賭俠2之上海灘賭聖》的經典對白「今晚打老虎 Comment allez-vous」,將插畫與賭博和流行文化相結合,令人感受到話裡有話的意思。日本的招財貓變了招財米奇,PLAYBOY的兔女朗變成骷髏樣,XO干邑裡藏著歡樂的骷髏人,以一個新的角度去詮譯這個繁華的都市背後,生活是精彩?是糜爛?
In my first talk with Nono Leong about the theme of this exhibition, it was just a simple idea, that is, to rediscover the original desire for painting. This is also the reason why many graphic design majors choose to study this discipline. Of course, in the end, they might find out there’s always a gap between reality and ideal, or vice versa. That said, however, Nono impresses people as a designer with a focus on illustration, or, it may be said that his illustrations are the most impressive of his works, especially the series of World Heritage buildings and figures for the Cultural Affairs Bureau -- their style and composition concept have influenced countless illustrators and graphic designers.
Nono is good at illustration in such style, one that can be incorporated into his personal creations and cultural and commercial designs. We may say there is a type of illustration called Nono Leong Illustration, with the typical bevel hairstyle, square head, and foursquare, tidy buildings; using curves created by graphic design software’s pen tool, he presented realistic street scenes with people and objects in illustration style unique to a graphic designer. Later, the square face evolved into the round face, with some textures added.
In the works shown in this solo exhibition, Nono likes to play with themes, creating figures wearing masks or with whimsical facial expressions. On show are all new works he has specially produced for the exhibition. He also developed, once and for all, visual effects for all the illustrations and this event. With the strong contrast between black and the shrimp color as the key visual, the characters put on a joyful, happy face, yet each of them is merely a skeleton without soul. With the theme being wine, women, wealth and temper (the four cardinal vices), it looks like there’s infinite desire hidden behind their joy. Therefore, different viewers would have different interpretations as to whether the presented characters are happy or sad.
One of the illustrations entitled Slot Machine features two fighting boxers respectively wearing a tiger mask and a black eye patch, and the classic quote "Comment Allez-vous” (whose pronunciation sounds like ‘Tonight beat the tiger’ in Cantonese) from a Hong Kong movie, God of Gamblers Part III: Back to Shanghai. Fusing gambling and pop culture elements into illustration, the work prompts viewers to ponder its implied meaning. What’s more, with the Maneki-neko
(Japanese lucky cat) being turned into the lucky Mickey and Playboy’s Playmate turned into a skeleton, the happy Skull Man hidden in XO cognac, Nono interprets from a new perspective what’s behind the bustling city: Is life wonderful, or debauched?
Cora Si
開幕 Opening : 23/10/2021 4pm
展期 Extension Period:25/10/2021 - 4/12/2021
Opening Hours : 2:00pm - 6:00pm (Except Sunday)
At Light——澳門卑第圍1號地下 Pátio do Padre Narciso nº 1, R/C, Macau
藝術家 Artist :梁子恆 Nono, Leong Chi Hang
策展人 Curator:施援程 Cora Si Wun Cheng
主辦 Organizer:弘藝峰創作社 Arts Empowering Lab
贊助 Support:澳門基金會 Macao Foundation
支持 Sponsor: At Light | 澳門插畫師協會 Macao Illustrators Association
免費入場 Free admission
查詢 Enquiries : +853 6595 7203
電郵 Email : aelartmo@gmail.com
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